Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Perfect Moment

I just briefly want to share one of the more beautiful things that has ever happened to me in my life.

On Monday morning, I was walking to class, feeling particularly groggy. On my way, I saw a group of about 40 adorable black children, probably 4 or 5 years old, waiting for a bus with their teacher. Being that I have been a counselor so many times, I consistently act as though I know all kids, and I waved to them as I approached. One smiled put up their hand for a high five. I high fived with enthusiasm, and all of a sudden, I was completely swarmed with hands waiting for high fives, as they all screamed HI at me in their loudest voices. Feeling completely elated, I high fived every single hand, and one very tiny boy ran up to me and hugged my legs. As I walked away, they all yelled BYE! and didn't stop until I was out of sight.

I have never seen these children before in my life, I likely never will again, but the pure innocence of that moment will never leave me. Though you might have been thinking, why did it matter that they were black, it mattered a whole lot. I have been learning over and over in every class here about apartheid and its evils. That moment I had on Monday morning would never have happened twenty years ago. The world is certainly not a perfect place, and South Africa has a lot of work to do, but at the very least, there is beauty and wonder all around, if only you happen upon the right street corner.